SPECIAL: Five Slightly Misprint Patches for 7 DOLLARS - Screenprint Silkscreen Patch Small Large Back Bag Custom assortment cheap sale deal

Item Description

So.... a lot of times patches don't print right the first time. Or, sometimes they are just hard to print in general. Or sometimes they only come out well on certain fabric...


Thus, we are offering you FIVE slightly misprinted patches for $7! (plus shipping)


All the patches will resemble the original intention, with only minor mistakes. Don't worry - no blurry blobs of completely unrecognizable ink for you. Sometimes, they even look more awesome when they are a little misprinted. We will try to throw in both large and small patches.


To see our patch selection, click on the "patches" section of the shop.


Feel free to request a particular design or designs. If we have misprints of those, we will be sure to throw them in!






ps. This item is exempt from our return policy.


pps. However, if you are utterly dissatisfied (and no, this ain't rei. saying "i am not satisfied" for no reason except that i want free stuff, won't do it), just send us a friendly email saying why. And, we will probably send you an extra patch!
